Book Two - Ch.# 46

I wasn’t sure how long had passed, but I did eventually awaken to the sound of violent coughing near me.

…A noise that instantly reminded me of my current situation.

“Wakey, wakey,” Clarissa said nearby.

And I groaned, rolling onto my side as the pain returned.

My entire body was aching, completely stiff along every joint and bone. I would have given anything for even the tiniest bit of pain relief medication.

“Come on, Rheyna,” she nagged. “You can’t stay in bed forever.”

…However, the more I did slowly wake up, the more I took in.

I could vaguely hear her shuffling around nearby, coughing every few steps she took. Clearly feeling a bit better despite her limp earlier. And not just that either. I could also smell… something. Food, of some sort.

…Was she cooking?

At that, I mustered all my energy to pull myself upright, hissing from the pain that shot through me. And, sure enough, there she was.

Like a little cave goblin waddling around a fire. It seemed she actually was making someth
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