Book Two - Ch.# 42

“You know me?” I asked, surprised.

She’d somehow known my name and implied we’d met already once before. Had we been childhood friends maybe? But that would have been back when I was five years old, her maybe even younger than me. That would be such a long time ago to recall.

Despite this though… I had a nagging in my head as if I’d heard her name recently. Somewhere I couldn’t quite place… At Ashwood perhaps? No… that didn’t seem right.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to think on it for long though.

At my question, Clarissa instantly looked even less enthused, her eyes narrowing slightly.

“…What kind of dumb question is that?” she replied curtly.

“Clarissa!” Myra snapped. “Where are your manners? Apologise. Right now.”

“But, Myra…,” she whined. “It’s not—.”

However, Clarissa wasn’t able to finish her sentence, another coughing fit wracking through her chest.

“…Stupid girl,” Myra sighed, walking over to her bedside.

She wrapped the tiny girl back in her blanket and forced her to lie do
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